Audrey Cramer never considered being a photographer as a child. She went to college for something else completely. To assist her in that goal, she took a job at the university computer labs.
One question she received with enough frequency was “How do I do [fill in the blank] in Photoshop?” She didn’t like not being able to answer that question so she decided to take a Photoshop class to help her with her job.
She started the Photoshop class intending to simply learn a skill to be better at her job. She didn’t anticipate how much she would enjoy the class itself.
She decided that she wanted to take a photography class the very next semester. She already had the Photoshop skill so photography was a logical next step for her to try. You know what? She loved it.
With time, practice, and experimentation, she found her passion as a landscape photographer. Now she’s out taking the photos her fans love.