Landscape photographer Audrey Cramer setting up a landscape photo at Henry's Lake Idaho
Landscape photographer Audrey Cramer shooting hot air balloon photos at the Panguitch Balloonfest
Professional photographer Audrey Cramer standing ready at Bryce Canyon's Natural Bridge for the 2023 annular "ring of fire" eclipse
Behind-the-scenes photo of landscape photographer Audrey Cramer crouched down in the weeds for a photo
Landscape photographer Audrey Cramer with camera shooting a landscape scene

Audrey Cramer never considered being a photographer as a child.  She went to college for something else completely.  To assist her in that goal, she took a job at the university computer labs.

One question she received with enough frequency was “How do I do [fill in the blank] in Photoshop?”  She didn’t like not being able to answer that question so she decided to take a Photoshop class to help her with her job.

She started the Photoshop class intending to simply learn a skill to be better at her job.  She didn’t anticipate how much she would enjoy the class itself.

She decided that she wanted to take a photography class the very next semester.  She already had the Photoshop skill so photography was a logical next step for her to try.  You know what?  She loved it.

With time, practice, and experimentation, she found her passion as a landscape photographer.  Now she’s out taking the photos her fans love.

Audrey Cramer Photography's photograph of landscape photographer Audrey Cramer taking a Moulton Barn picture at Grand Teton National Park Wyoming
Landscape photographer Audrey Cramer doing an early morning shoot at Mesa Arch, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Professional landscape photographer Audrey Cramer photographing the Temple of the Sun in Cathedral Valley at sunset
Landscape photographer Audrey Cramer changing lenses on her camera in a forest
Photo of professional landscape photographer Audrey with camera in hand taking a picture by Audrey Cramer Photography