I am the Queen of Last-Minute Shots
Some people can plan a photo and make it happen. Some people luck into photos. Me? I'm the queen of last-minute shots and here's why.
Dig in Deeper With How We Create Our Photos at Audrey Cramer Photography
Some people can plan a photo and make it happen. Some people luck into photos. Me? I'm the queen of last-minute shots and here's why.
Much more goes into creating a great photo than just clicking the shutter. Learn about how we find places to shoot.
There's more to creating a perfect photo than just creating a perfect photo. Go behind-the-scenes on how I pick the right photo paper.
Today we're revealing which photographers inspire us the most at Audrey Cramer Photography. Any guesses who made the list?
"Why must I pay $xxxx for that photo?" Audrey Cramer Photography explains why quality photography is expensive.
Learn more about the quality assurance process which every single Audrey Cramer Photography photo goes through before it's shipped out to you.
Have you ever wondered what the hardest part for a fine art photographer is? It’s the difficulty of naming a photo. Here's a why that is.
Need more ideas of what to pack for your nature photo shoot? Audrey Cramer Photography has 8 more non-photography items to pack with you.
Going out on a nature photo shoot? You might need more than just your camera gear. Try this article for some non-photography items to pack.
Leaving for a nature photo shoot? Are you prepared? Audrey Cramer Photography discusses some things you must do to prepare before you leave.
Do you take onsite precautions to protect yourself from aggressive attacks? Audrey Cramer Photography shares advice for safety in the field.
In light of recent animal encounter events, Audrey Cramer Photography shares some important tips on how to respect wildlife out in the field.