Stress is a part of life.  Stress, despite the negative connotation, is nothing but high demand.  We get both positive and negative stress in our life.  It’s how we deal with that stress that can make the difference.  Art is a good way to deal with your stress and here’s why.  Let’s talk about how art reduces stress in your life.

Art is a process of creating something out of smaller components or “nothing” if you will.  It is a long and involved process which involves deep thinking, envisioning, and actual creating.  It’s something which you might consider stressful and possibly detrimental stress reduction.  However, that’s not true.

Art is Distraction

When there’s something weighing heavily on your mind which you can’t seem to dismiss, art can be a great distraction.  With the focus and thought required to create a final product, you can push your stresser into the back of your mind while you work and think.

Art is Zen

If you get seriously into a project of any kind, you might find yourself going with the “flow” or getting into the “zone”.  It can be a zen feeling for you.  Art is no different in this regard.  If you go through the process of creating art, you can enter an almost meditative state which will help to calm and relax you.  There is something almost hypnotic about the process of art in a zen state.  It’s so worth it to gain that kind of focus, even if only for a short time.

Art Encourages Creative Thinking

Often times, what we need is a chance to take a break from worry.  With that break, we can let our unconscious minds work on an answer.  Art encourages the exact kind of creative thought which will help you solve the problems in your life which are causing you stress.  It will also give you something productive to do with your conscious mind.  You might be surprised at what solutions you can come up with if you give your mind and hands a creative task to work on.


So, in conclusion, art is definitely something to consider for stress relief.  Thanks to all the distraction, zen focus, and creative thinking which art can impart, art therapy has become a popular way to deal with stress.  If you find yourself in need of an outlet to relieve stress, you might try picking up an artistic pursuit such as drawing or painting.  Try it out because art reduces stress.