For those who are looking to build the home of their dreams right now, this is a very common question.  It is often asked by those who haven’t put much time into planning out what their dream home will look like.  While I can’t tell you specifically what the home of YOUR dreams should have, I can give you some pointers in the right direction.

Your Dream Home Should Have Comfortable Furniture

First of all, this particular point should go without say.  If you want to have the home of your dreams, you need comfortable furniture to sit on and sleep on.  Without this element, you cannot fully appreciate the work of art which is the rest of the home of your dreams properly.  Make sure that the furniture choices you make are comfortable to all who will be regularly using them.

Your Dream Home Should Have Good Light

Second, proper lighting is a very important element to the home of your dreams.  How will you get anything done without that all important light to let you see?  You will need to make sure you have area, task, and accent lighting in the proper places.  This will allow you to see all the decorations properly and get things done.  Would your dream home actually be your dream home without this important element?  I think not.

The Home of Your Dreams Should Have Good Storage Space

Third, everyone eventually collects clutter.  The key is to not display that clutter to your guests.  With that in mind, one element of your dream home is that you should have good storage space for that clutter.  You need not have huge closets or tons of attic and basement storage space to meet this requirement (although those help immensely).  A simple organization scheme which will minimize the appearance of clutter, as well as regular sortings of personal possessions, will make the clutter virtually disappear.

Your Dream Home Should Have a Style Reflecting You

Fourth, this point should also go without say.  It’s YOUR dream home that we are talking about so it should naturally reflect you in its design.  If you are trying to imitate someone else and their style, then it ceases to be the home of your dreams and becomes a vision of someone else’s dream home instead.  Make sure that you are happy with your selection of design elements and you feel that they reflect who you are when creating the home of your dreams.

Your Dream Home Should Have Artwork

Lastly, the home of your dreams would be incomplete without some beautiful artwork of some kind to decorate your walls with.  It breaks up the boring and blank space nicely while adding color, in more than one definition of the word, to the space which is your dream home.  In fact, I might say that your choice of artwork is the final crowning element to your dream home.  If comfortable furniture is the base, then artwork is the pinnacle of the home of your dreams.  It completes the look and brings in something to tie everything together with.


The home of your dreams should have elements which make the space comfortable, functional, and tasteful to you and the rest of your family.  Beyond these basics, the home of your dreams is something which you alone can create. You should enjoy creating it too.

If you want the home of your dreams to have a swimming pool or hot tub, those are optional fun elements to have.  Enjoy them.  They will add that extra something of customization which will make a dream home into your dream home.

We would love to see what the home of your dreams, complete with wall art, looks like.  Please leave a picture in the comments section below and tell us why it shows what the home of your dreams is.

So, if you find that you are needing some artwork to complete the home of your dreams, then you might consider checking out our online store.  You can buy fine art photography of landscapes and other beautiful pictures there.