As a photographer, I live for those moments when the light and the landscape create a perfect combination together in front of my camera and I have the trigger. Many times, it doesn’t work out as perfectly as I hoped. Sometimes I have to go back multiple times in hopes of things working out adequately enough. But every so often, that perfect moment comes and I’m ready for it. It came this time in the form of a panorama.
While out working on my commissioned project, I took the time to take a personal shot or two out at Henry’s Lake. After several different trips hoping to get the right shot to please my client, I had the location, I had the light, I had the weather, I had my camera set up, I had it all. I also had a few spare minutes on site.
With the sun not fully risen, I had a couple minutes of blue or golden hour, depending on the direction I was facing, to get a practice shot in. As I was doing so, my spouse suggested that I try for a panorama. Since I had some time to kill, it seemed like it might be a good idea.
I got to looking at the light and my surroundings as I was preparing for the pan. The sun was illuminating the north-eastern sky but there was plenty of the deep blue of twilight still hanging on. I decided to try for the shot. No less than fifteen shots later, I had my panorama captured and I went back to the reason we were out on the shores of the lake so early in the morning and in the season.
When I got back and stitched the landscape panorama together, I wasn’t prepared for what I would see. I knew that the scene in front of me earlier that day was beautiful, but I couldn’t believe I got this shot out there that morning.
If you’re viewing this photo on a small screen, like a phone, I recommend rotating it sideways. That way you can get a bigger and better view of this spectacular landscape.
Somehow, I managed to capture the changing drama of the sky perfectly. I can see winter meeting spring. I can see night meeting day. The moon meeting with the sun. Blue hour meeting up with golden hour. It’s all there.
This was one of those moments when I knew I had something special just from looking at it. If my client (the reason I was there to begin with) wanted landscape panoramas, this would have blown him away. As it is, this photo makes a beautiful addition to my portfolio.
If you would like to buy fine art prints of this photo, just follow this link to our online store where you can order a copy today.