Something I’ve found lacking in my portfolio, until lately, has been rainbows. For some reason, rainbow arcs seem to appear more lately. Perhaps I’m simply better prepared and unencumbered so I can go chase them. Either way, here’s another episode of me chasing rainbows down the street in pursuit of a memorable landscape photo.

Check out the first episode of chasing rainbows here. This episode begins with a phone call alerting me to the rainbow’s presence in the skies. I was inside taking care of other business away from windows. So, of course I would not see the rainbow on my own. I’m glad someone thought of me to make that call.

This time, I learned from the past. I chased previous rainbows down the street on foot in the middle of summer heat. I didn’t feel like repeating that experience. So, this time, I jumped into the car to give chase. This meant I arrived much quicker and had a better chance at capturing the kind of photo I wanted.

Fine art landscape photograph of a rainbow arc in dramatic skies over a blossoming farm field with wheel line in Panguitch Utah by Audrey Cramer Photography

I found myself staring at a rainbow positioned in almost the same place as the last. Also, I found myself standing in about the same place I did before. As I didn’t want to duplicate a previous shot, I searched for alternatives. I found them in the foreground. This time, the farm field grew up and displayed purple flowers. Also, the farmer moved the wheel lines much closer to the fence. At least something looked different there.

I took several shots and was about to leave when I turned back to look. The fading rainbow suddenly produced a second arc. I was now staring at a partial double rainbow where a single had been only seconds before. Knowing that my portfolio lacked a second rainbow, I immediately started shooting photos again. I changed my framing to include the second bow. Then, as both started seriously fading away, I once again turned to leave, for real this time.

Audrey Cramer Photography's fine art landscape photograph of double rainbow arc appearing in dramatic skies over a growing farm field with wheel lines in Panguitch, Utah

I can say that the return trip for this impromptu rainbow photo shoot was much more pleasant than the last one was. This was entirely due to the car and the fact that the temperature cooled down in the weeks since the first shoot this year. For that part, I’m very grateful.

So, what do you think of this new take on practically the same view from before? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Should I keep chasing rainbows in this direction? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.