Have you ever had one of those mornings where you just know that something amazing is going to happen? We had one of those recently. It felt like time stands still. We took advantage of that feeling by taking a trip out to Grand Teton National Park. Check out what we came back with as a result.
We took a three hour ride out in the dark through the treacherous mountain pass known as Teton Pass to get from Pocatello to Grand Teton National Park. There were a few tense moments thanks to the dark twisting road. That’s not counting the deer sightings either.
We made our way over to Jenny Lake. Thanks to construction, only a part of the lake was open to visitors. We made it there just after sunrise to the glorious morning light shining on the eastern face of the Teton mountains. It was beautiful.
We were there in time for the morning light to create a reflection on the lake in front of the mountain feet. We were also early enough to miss the wind destroying that perfect calm and the reflection it creates.
A motorboat passed by under the mountain while I was setting up for the shot. It took a few minutes for its wake to reach the shore. I had just finished taking this photo and wanted a behind-the-scenes shot when I heard the waves had reached the shoreline below me. The quiet was interrupted by the lapping of water against the land.
It was a powerful feeling to stand there and just look at the beautiful landscape in front of me. Time stands still. It made me wonder why I had to return back to civilization with all this calm and beauty in front of me. I had to come back so that I could share all of that with you.