So many articles exist out there about “Pinterest-worthy” designs, arrangements, themes, and crafts. Every day, on Facebook, I see something else which suggests that being “Pinterest-worthy” in what you do or using Pinterest for inspiration is the way to go in your home decoration plan. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Pinterest logo

These days, there are pins on Pinterest for all kinds of different purposes. The most common purpose of these pins includes home decor and crafts. These topics resonate with women and are very visual. It’s an ideal fit for the social media platform but the inspiration you find there might not actually work for you. Here’s some ideas why.

Can You Really Afford to Recreate the Design?

One big problem with most of these design inspiration pins is that they often also rely upon infinite budget and shopping time. I’m assuming that time and money are not infinite resources for you because they aren’t for me. Can you really afford to have a “Pinterest-worthy” house?  It cost more than you think.

Audrey Cramer Photography's professional quality photograph of a hand holding a one, five, ten, and twenty dollar bill
Do you have the money required to recreate the design?

Let’s assume for a minute that you can name and locate all necessary elements from a single inspirational home decor pin you want to emulate in your home. You’ll need to shop around a lot to find them. Most often, these products which you see depicted as crucial elements of the pin’s design aren’t what you would call Wal-Mart priced products.

There’s absolutely something to be said for not using the cheaply made products which Wal-Mart or the dollar store has to offer. However, the furniture and other design elements in the inspirational pictures are often at the other end of the price spectrum. They come with a big price tag attached for a single item or set of items.

These big-ticket pieces of furniture, rugs, paint, pillows, curtains, and more will add up quickly to a very big final total. Of course, this is not including deeper renovation you might need. We’re talking things like carpet or floor replacement, removing or adding wallpaper, redoing the ceiling, or many other more maintenance level repairs, upgrades, or replacements which you might find needing done. This is a serious matter to consider if you own an older home.

Are you financially prepared to pour potentially thousands to tens-of-thousands of dollars into your “Pinterest-worthy” home?

Will the Design Work in Your House?

Another huge problem is that the ideas presented are not presented for a house which looks like yours. Professional designers were used to create these visions of beautiful homes in carefully selected spaces. This means that, though the images and plans you see are gorgeous, these same plans might be disastrous when you try and mirror them in your own home.

Photograph of 3 Audrey Cramer Photography landscape photos grouped into a gallery wall theme of color
These are examples of homes and rooms which you might very well consider “Pinterest-worthy.”
Photograph of Audrey Cramer Photography's landscape photo "Mystic Rainbow" in a cozy neutral-toned living room
Do you love these home designs? I love them. However, I also find them unrealistic goals and achievements to pursue. Buy Prints
Photo of five Audrey Cramer Photography Bryce Canyon landscape photos on a gallery wall featuring location
I don’t have high vaulted ceilings in my home to duplicate this look with. This “Pinterest-worthy” design will not work with my home. Buy Prints

Let’s think about if for a second. Does your home have a giant bay window? Does your kitchen have an island? How about an entryway? Hardwood floors? Sliding glass door and patio? Fireplace with a mantle? While your home may have some of these elements, I think you’re probably getting the idea. Most of these undeniably beautiful home decor ideas are amazing when set up in specific space like a photo studio or in one specific house (the one depicted).

Your house has its own individual layout which probably looks nothing like what you see in the picture. This means that the smart layout and design of the pin won’t work in your space as shown if it even works at all. The professional designers, who created those enviable pins you want to emulate, aren’t there to turn your home into the same thing.

Photograph of Audrey Cramer Photography's fine art photograph 'Moss on the Rocks' on the wall of a master bedroom room
I don’t have this size of bedroom either. Pinterest-worthy doesn’t work here either. Buy Prints

Before you start creating one, will a “Pinterest-worthy” home design work in your home? Another concern you face is whether or not the individual elements used will work in your home. The furniture used may be uncomfortable, easily broken, or just plain not fit where it’s supposed to go. The fabrics may stain, rip, or fade too easily. The paint may add color the photo in the pin but darken your room too much. The rug may be too big for the space it’s supposed to lay. The list goes on.

Work with the charms and flaws of your home to make it your own and not a cheap imitation of someone else’s idea of a dream home. You’ll find this much more satisfying than being a copy-cat no matter how good the material is to copy from.

Can You Maintain the Design?

Let’s face it, housekeeping can be a full-time job in and of itself. Husbands, children, and pets are messy. I have seen the exceptions with both children and husbands. However, the general rule is that they don’t often help when it comes to keeping things clean and in place.

Do you think that breakable knick-knacks will survive with young children (even visiting grandchildren counts here)? Do you think that designer furniture, rug, and curtains will stand up to teething and not-yet-house-broken puppies or cats sharpening claws?

Those beautiful design ideas account for real life most of the time. However, you must when shopping for your home decor. It won’t do at all to buy a beautiful lamp for your living room only to break it and replace it in a week or less. The same goes for figurines, glass tabletops, vases, and any other fragile decor elements. “Pinterest-worthy” decoration plans are sometimes fragile. Will it work with what life gives you?

Another point to consider is: how easy do you think that this design idea will be to keep clean? People don’t envy extended cleaning routines no matter how good the room or home looks.

Audrey Cramer Photography's photograph of cleaning chemicals in spray bottles, disposable blue gloves, a red rag, and a duster
Any home decor design which adds dramatically to your cleaning routine is more expensive in your time than it may look.

If you can’t safely answer these questions knowing that destruction or added cleaning aren’t problems, then having a “Pinterest-worthy” house is probably not for you.


Having a “Pinterest-worthy” home decoration plan may be a lot more trouble that it’s worth to you. It’s probably going to be a financial burden. It will take away your individuality in your own home, a place which should scream who you are more than any other place. It also might not stand up to the rigors of what life at your house has to throw at it.

Instead of trying to measure up to someone else’s idea of beautiful and organized, why don’t you create your own vision there? It might be more difficult and take more time to create. However, it will be far more satisfying in the end to you. By all means, take inspiration from some of those pins if you truly find something there you can use but leave what doesn’t work for you and your house behind.