Landscape photography is so common in our world. We all look at pictures of very different scenery and file them away under the heading of landscape photography. However, have you ever considered just how many different kinds of photos you call ‘landscape photography?’ Here are 10 common landscape photography scenes which you generically call landscape photography.
Let’s preface this particular list with some conditions. To start with, this list is far from exhaustive. There are plenty more scenes and subject matter out there considered landscape photography. I merely list 10 common landscape photography scenes. Next, I can’t think of any reason that landscape scenes on this list need be 100% natural. Many landscape photography scenes also include human elements. Also, I’m well aware of landscape scenes which composite 2 or more of these scenes into 1 photo. I’m aiming for simplicity and basic scenes in this list. So, without further ado, here’s my list of 10 common landscape photography scenes.
1. Grassy Field or Meadow Scenes
Landscape photographers love to photograph big wide grassy fields or meadows. I’ve seen plenty of photos where the scene is wild or tamed. I also include farm and other agricultural fields into this heading. Such landscape photos are also very common. Something about the lush green makes these kinds of photos so appealing to landscape photographers.
2. Forest Scenes
Landscape photographers love taking photos of forests. You might call them woods, groves, or other tree group-related terms. The net result is the same. Trees photograph well and add a beautiful natural feel to landscape photography. Some photographers will take a different path and photograph dead trees. It’s still the same general idea even if the overall feel of the photo changes because of this choice.

3. Desert Scenes
Despite their dry and arid condition, landscape photographers love to photograph deserts. Sandy or rocky, it doesn’t matter. You’ll see tons of desert landscape photos out on the market today. People love the beauty even if they don’t love the experience. Even lava plains qualify as deserts so you might see some of those out there too.
4. Ocean Scenes
Without a doubt, landscape photographers love to photograph the ocean. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, it doesn’t matter. Landscape photographers even take pictures of seas and other large bodies of water smaller than oceans for the same kind of picture. They all look the same from the shore. They look beautiful and draw our gaze out across the water.
5. Mountain Scenes
If you run a simple internet search for landscape photography, you’re bound to see pictures of mountains show up in the search results. Landscape photographers love photos of mountains. Mountains add a layers to a landscape photo which you can seldom achieve without them. I’m including hills in this category too. Something about how tall and uniquely shaped they are draws all of us in. This is why landscape photographers feature mountains in their photos.
6. River and Stream Scenes
We, as human beings, are fascinated by water. We need it for survival, but we also find great beauty and joy in its presence. Thanks to this, you’ll easily find lots of landscape photos featuring rivers and streams of all kinds. Landscape photographers love featuring the winding paths of water wending its way to the sea. They make for great foreground interest and leading lines if properly shaped and positioned.
7. Waterfall Scenes
You could easily argue that waterfalls are nothing more than some subset of rivers and streams. You’d even be right. However, waterfalls are more than simply rivers and streams in landscape photography. Waterfalls represent layers. They possess far more visual interest than a simple path of water has. Waterfalls are so common in landscape photography that I might dare call them one of the cornerstones of landscape photography. Every landscape photographer pursues waterfall photos. Thanks to the silky water technique, waterfalls become even more beautiful and even ethereal to boot.
8. Lake and Pond Scenes
Everyone loves a good lake photo. They’re so peaceful and relaxing. Bonus points to the landscape photographer who captures a perfect reflection in the lake. Much like the ocean and other smaller bodies of water, lakes occupy much of what we consider landscape photography. Even ponds can yield beautiful landscape photos.
9. Canyon Scenes
Whether it’s looking down into or straight into the depths of a canyon, landscape photographers love to capture photos of canyons. Such photos hint at a hidden adventure full of discovery. Canyons also make interesting landscape shapes and features. Since they also come in many forms, from the wide and open canyon to the narrow slot canyon, photographers have no shortage of options to mix things up.
10. Winter Scenes
This last common landscape photography scene might seem like a cheat. You might think I’m rehashing everything I already covered above with a cheap cover (literally: snow). However, I’m not. Landscape photography completely transforms in the winter. What was once a beautiful lake becomes a frozen plain of snow. You don’t even know there’s a lake there unless you already know. Snow makes everything look different. Boring scenes become interesting and vibrant. You’ll see so many winter landscape photography scenes out there because of this transformation.
In conclusion, while there are many common landscape photography scenes out on the market, I’ve covered 10 of them for your convenience. I hope that you found this list informative. Let me know if I missed other common landscape photography scenes below in the comments section.