1. Garfield County Fair Photography Competition 2020
  2. Award for Cannonville Rainbow
  3. Another Award for a Rainbow
  4. Another Award for Cannonville Rainbow
  5. Cannonville Rainbow Awarded

Greetings landscape photography fans. I’m back with more good news. Once again, I received newsworthy of sharing. So, I’m here to share it with you. One of my landscape photos received another award. It feels good. So, what photo received such attention? I titled it “Cannonville Rainbow.” What award did it receive? Keep reading to learn more about Cannonville Rainbow and its new award.

The email announcement arrived in my inbox a few days ago. As is traditional, I’ll share the contents of the email. So, here they are.

Good news cramerimaging,

We are delighted to recognize your extraordinary talent.  Your photo has been selected as a Contender in the VIEWBUG Photography Awards.

Your photograph stood out among many others, and that’s awesome.

Of course, I clicked on the link to learn more. Sadly, this link took me to Viewbug’s listing of my photo with all the details attached to it. There wasn’t a nice convenient screen to explain the award.

This is the second time I received this kind of award. As Viewbug is seemingly no longer publishing posts listing finalists, only winners, I’m left to wonder a bit about this award. Others clearly received it too. My conclusion remains the same as it did last time: that my photo is indeed a finalist in the contest. I draw that conclusion from the second half of the email which I include below.

Stay tuned to see the winners’ announcement coming soon… your photo may bring you more rewards.

It’s not much of a hint, but that’s all I have to work with. So, my landscape photo of “Cannonville Rainbow” received an award titled “Contender in the Photography Awards” for the year of 2023 (?). No matter how you present it, it’s still an award and positive attention for my landscape photography.

Now, I turn things over to you. What do you think of “Cannonville Rainbow” and its new photography award? Do you love it? Do you hate it? Does it deserve the award it just received? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.I’d love your feedback on the matter.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Charles

    I love the contrasting (and intermixing) of the colors of the sky. Wonderful work and capture!

    1. Cramer Imaging

      It did work out well that day. Glad you enjoy!

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