On Thursday, I received a particular email from Viewbug which I haven’t seen in over a year.  It was an email announcing to me that one of my photos received an award.  So, I quickly went to go see which one it was and what award it had received.  I was very pleasantly surprised by the answer.

I learned that my photograph titled “Sunset at Bryce” received an award titled “Member Selection Award.”  Viewbug staff grant this award to whomever they deem worthy of it.  Apparently, they deemed “Sunset at Bryce” worthy of this particular award.

I’m delighted that so recent an addition to my portfolio received recognition for the skill I put into it.  I really felt accomplished when I took a look at the finished product.  So, I’m delighted to add “Sunset at Bryce” to my growing collection of awarded landscape photos.

So, what do you think of this beautiful landscape photo?  Do you love it too?  Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

If you would like to buy a copy of this award-winning photograph to display on your wall, all you need to do is to follow this link to our online store.  You can order a top quality archival copy today.