Once you buy a piece of fine art, you tend to assume that it’s a forever thing. You coordinate everything in your home around it. It doesn’t get moved or removed for anything. While we can appreciate the sentiment of your decision there, here is an alternate argument. You might think about it before making a piece of fine art a permanent fixture on your wall. Try buying extra fine art for variety.
New Decor for Holidays Makes Things Feel Fresh
Every year when you put up a Christmas Tree, it seems like a fresh and new decor element. Your Christmas decorations bring cheer to your home. While there is no denying that Christmas is a big part of what brings the cheer, the change is also part of it. But, after a while, your Christmas decorations begin to lose their freshness. They start feeling stale. This is why, after Christmas, it is nice to take them down and go back to your normal decor, which then feels different, therefore it’s fresh and new.
What if you could get that fresh and new decor feeling every few months? Fresh new fine art can be just the thing to brighten up your home decor. There are easy ways to do so without breaking your bank in the process.
Some people like to decorate for particular holidays. Christmas is the most popular choice but Halloween is a close second. I’ve also seen 4th of July decorations, Pioneer Day decorations, Thanksgiving, and others. A neighbor of ours once even had a true “holiday tree” that, unlike the politically correct version which is really just a Christmas tree, she kept up year round and decorated it differently for each holiday.
So maybe you don’t want a holiday tree or a yard decoration. Maybe you don’t want to go all out decorating your house for every holiday, but change is nice. There are other easier routes to go for changing up your home decor. If you’re into knickknacks, they’re very easy to change out. You will need a place to store these things, but most people either have a basement a spare room or a storage unit so storage arrangements aren’t that hard.
Making Your House Vibe Feel Fresh with Extra Fine Art

Maybe what you want is for your house to look a little more high class and a little less cluttered instead. This is where buying fine art comes in.
Buying fine art is the first and best step you can make for decorating your dream home walls. If you want to take it to the next step, it’s time to start thinking bigger. It’s time to start thinking about rotation.
Maybe you will want to theme your fine art to the season of the year, or your mood, or the current upcoming holiday. If you happen to have a little money to spare on buying fine art photography or paintings, your fine art is very easy to update.
Unless you’ve done a complex multi-part arrangement of art on your wall, all you need to do to change your fine art out is to lift the old one down and put the new one up on the already installed hanger. It really is just that easy.
This article on hanging your fine art shows that getting a piece of fine art hung properly can be a bit difficult and you usually have to put a hole in your wall to do it, but if you get pieces of art which are similarly sized, you can do a lot by simply swapping out the pictures.
Dealing with Complex Fine Art Arrangements
Now, if you’ve created a complex hang involving numerous frames in a special arrangement, you aren’t going to want to change that much. It’ll be a pain to do so. Creating the right combination with the correct size of replacement art can be difficult at best. However, if you have some images hung around the house in tasteful locations, you can simply change them out whenever you want.
The fun part is shopping to find what works for you for each season, each holiday, or any other reason you want to change out your artwork. If you’ve hung your current art well, replacing it is easy. All you must do is lift one frame off of the hanger and put another on in its place.
If your new and old frames are different sizes, you might find optimal placement altered a bit. However, with a little care and planning, you can make it work either by replacing with something close enough to the same size or by splitting the difference when you hang the replacement artwork. Depending on how you hang your art, you could even have multiple hangers behind your image. Just make sure it’s on the correct hanger for its size and weight.
Changing out your fine art regularly can give your home a fresh and vibrant look. That look works with the season, holiday or even your mood. It can look like you spend a fortune for new art all the time. Also it can look like you put a lot of effort into changing it out regularly. No one has to know that it’s so easy, fast, and painless. It’ll be our little secret.
Since you may now be in the market to expand your fine art collection for your dream home, make sure to drop by our online store and check out our beautiful fine art photography. Any piece will complement your home decor and have your friends amazed. You’ll achieve that extra fine art for variety very easily.