I really do love those days when I open up my email and see that there’s a notice about one of my landscape photos receiving another photography award. Such was my happy luck on this subject a few days ago. So, here I am, once again, sharing the wonderful news with all of you: my fans. I received another landscape photo award. Keep reading to learn more about which photo and what the award is.
Not every photo which Viewbug awards me is based upon merits. I’ve received a couple of awards like this in the past, though I may not have shared about each and every one of them with you. This award, however, I feel is worth sharing about.
So, as is the usual format these days, here’s what the email notification contained. I’m starting to think that the opening line of “You are a rockstar” is simply a canned heading to the award announcement emails. I still include it because it really does sound cool even if I get it every time.
You are a rockstar, your photo Times and Seasons was selected by one of our editors to receive a new award.

Things continued on when I clicked on the link. There I learned about the honor and award granted. Here’s the text of that announcement.
Congratulations cramerimaging, this is a big deal. From all your photos, this shot has been selected to receive the Treasure Award recognition. Thank you for sharing your creativity with all of us.
This award celebrates how you’ve pushed us forward with your passion by sharing this photo with the community. This photo is your most recent upload, and it recognizes that your creativity does not stop even during these times that have been difficult for many. Congratulations, we can’t thank you enough for sharing your photos with all of us.
So far, this year began with difficulty and last year was difficult too. I understand why Viewbug phrased things the way that they did in the award description. Anyways, this landscape photography award is indeed a welcome announcement in such trying times.
So, I happily add this landscape photo, titled “Times and Seasons,” into my award-winning collection. What do you think about this new landscape photo award? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Does it deserve the award which it just received? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. I’d love to read your feedback on the matter.