1. A Winter Photo Award of Giant Proportions
  2. Award for Snow Boat

I’m back with good news, landscape photography fans. You probably guessed what the news is already. If you’ve been hanging around here for any length of time, then you know. I just received an email with good news about my landscape photo titled “Snow Boat.” This is indeed 2 in a row for that photo. Well, “Snow Boat” just received another award. Keep reading and I’ll share the particulars.

Here’s the part where I share what the email announcement contained. It’s tradition, after all. Here’s the email’s contents.

Hello cramerimaging,

It’s always encouraging to see creative photos, and we are grateful you share yours with us.

Your photography helps ignite the passion of the community.

And we have good news, your photo was selected to receive a new award.

So, of course, I clicked on the link to learn which photo received the award and which award it received. I found myself surprised to see that it was the exact same photo as last time. That doesn’t happen often.  Now “Snow Boat” is up to 2 Viewbug awards. Here’s what the landing page described the award as.

cramerimaging, we are excited to celebrate your photo for positively inspiring people!  Our team has selected your photo which has garnered the most traction so far this year.  Congratulations your photo has been awarded the Halfway 24 Award!

This was a bit strange to me. An award for my most popular photo so far this year? Is it really “Snow Boat?” Should “Snow Boat” actually deserve this award as described?

Just to be sure, I double checked “Snow Boat” and its stats against all the other photos I uploaded to Viewbug this year. While it is light on attention, it is indeed my most popular upload so far this year. The views alone outstrip any other candidates. As far as likes and awards, it’s about middling. There are a couple or so others which are comparable. So, I guess the description was accurate.

I’m glad for another piece of flare for this beautiful landscape photo, even if I wonder about it. I do love “Snow Boat,” so another award is a welcome thing for me.

So, now I turn things over to you landscape photography fan. What do you think of this landscape photo and its new award? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Does it deserve the award it just received? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.