Hello photography fans.  I’m here with some good news I know you’ll all enjoy.  Today, the mail brought word that one of my photos received and award.  Yep.  I entered a handful of my photos into a photography competition held by “Photographer’s Forum” magazine.  The mail brought the highly anticipated news that one of my photos advanced into the finals.  I’m so delighted I just had to share the news with you.

I entered the “Photographer’s Forum” magazine high school and college student competition for 2011.  I just received word in the mail today that one of my entries has made the finals.  It is a black and white picture of a cloud that seems easy to mistake for a feather.  Lots of people guess that this is fire, a wing, or a feather.  Most people don’t see the cloud until I explain it to them.

Professional quality fine art photograph of an abstract black and white cloud by Cramer Imaging

While untitled at the time of contest entry, this particular fine art photo now goes by the name of “Heaven’s Wing.”  That name was slow in coming.  However, I’m happy it finally bears a name of its own.

So, what do you think of this fine art abstract photo placing as a finalist?  Do you think it deserves to win?  Share your thoughts and also your constructive criticism in the comments section below.  I look forward to reading your feedback on the subject.