Lately, it’s been difficult to get out and get photos for the portfolio. When the weather is good, I find I don’t have access to a car. When the car is available, the weather sucks or makes the roads dangerous. It’s a never-ending cycle of frustration and disappointment. However, I got a small window where things worked out for a photo shoot. When that happens, I must get the most out of the sunset in front of me. Check out what I captured that day.
While working on a currently ongoing project, I squeezed in some time to get a couple of shots for myself during the trip. It’s amazing sometimes what is right behind you when you turn around. It’s a lesson I learned several years ago.
While pursuing the main shot I was there for, I turned around to see what the sunset behind me was doing. That has been a rewarding effort in the past and it doesn’t cost me much at all to do. The sunset was well worth checking out.

All I had to do was to find some kind of interesting foreground for the dramatic clouds which I saw and the light which was painting them. Thanks to dead winter conditions, there wasn’t much to choose from. Thankfully, there was a close by wheel line which I could incorporate as the foreground for my photo. It added interest against an otherwise plain, dead, and brown field.
Thanks to taking a couple minutes away from my main subject, I was also able to capture this photo for my portfolio and for your enjoyment.