1. I Won a Popular Vote Award for “Ice Castle”
  2. ‘Ice Castle’ Won An Award
  3. Another Award for ‘Ice Castle’
  4. Yet Another Award for ‘Ice Castle’
  5. ‘Ice Castle’ Wins Another Award
  6. ‘Ice Castle’ Award
  7. ‘Ice Castle’ is the Winner!
  8. Another Ice Castle Award
  9. Ice Castle Contest Finalist

I love getting good news in the mail, or email.  I just got some of that wonderful kind of news late last week in my inbox.  It’s so good that I have to share it with you.  Another one of my beautiful landscape photos entitled “Ice Castle” won an award.  I’m happy to share this great news with all of you: my fans.

Cramer Imaging's nature photograph of a silky waterfall in the snow during winter in Idaho Falls, IdahoFor those who don’t already know, I’m a member of a popular photography website called Viewbug.  They offer a community around photography.  They also offer photography contests and mini-contests called challenges.  I enter many of these contests with my photography.  Sometimes, like this time, I find that I won.

The photo which won the award is none other than my landscape photo from earlier this year titled “Ice Castle.”  I entered it into a mini-contest or challenge on Viewbug called “Mystifying Blue.”  While I didn’t win the challenge overall, I did win the popular vote.

That’s right.  They opened the contest up for popular voting.  That closed a few days ago and my photo ranked at the top of the popular vote.  I won the “People’s Choice” award for that challenge.  So this beautiful photo now enters my award-winning collection.

What do you think of this landscape photo and its new photography award?  Do you love it?  Do you hate it?  Does it deserve the award it just received?  Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.  I’d love to receive your feedback on the matter.