I’ve seen a few other landscape photographers who have their locations for crumbling buildings. I found my own local version and had been waiting for the right time for my first attempt. Well, recently I took that opportunity and arranged a photo shoot out at this lonely cabin. Here are the results of that trip.

When it comes to springtime landscape photography, it’s often a cold and windy task. It doesn’t matter how near or far the location is. This shoot was no different. The skies were very dramatic with lots of clouds. It was raining or snowing (not sure which) off in the distance. The wind was blowing hard. Conditions were miserable. So, I made a point of bundling up to keep as warm as I could in the given conditions.

I wanted this shot to be well lit (not backlit) so I arranged a sunset shot. I intend to try for a sunrise shot of this lonely cabin soon to see how that goes.

Audrey Cramer Photography's fine art landscape photograph of an abandoned lonely cabin by a rippled pond with mountains and dramatic clouds

The pond in close proximity to the cabin attracted my attention, which is why I added this location to my shot list. I sometimes see wild waterfowl swimming there. I’ve seen ducks, geese, and even swans on the surface of the pond. So, naturally, I want to try and include such wildlife in the future if I can. I don’t hold out much hope as my luck with wildlife photography is rather poor.

The dramatic skies this time of year made the photo into something compelling. The golden sunlight of sunset warmed up what would be an otherwise cold picture.

I feel the change of seasons and the promise of spring in this picture. How about you? What do you think of this new landscape photograph of mine? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.