A few days ago, I got another interesting email.  I learned that another one of my photos was selected to be featured on another website.  I had submitted it for consideration a while ago and had forgotten about it.  Then the email arrived and reminded me of this submission.  Want to know more about “Moss on the Rocks?”  Keep reading.

I had discovered a website called Fisheye Connect.  They do a daily photo feature on their blog.  Since I’ve got several photos which I would love to see featured all over, I decided to give them a try to see if they would feature my photo.  Then, yes, I forgot about the submission.

A few days ago, I found an email in my inbox telling me that someone my photo selected for a feature.  They even titled the email with “When your GPS ‘fails’.”  Since I had included a bit about how our GPS didn’t help quite as much as hoped, it seems fitting for the story attached to this photo titled “Moss on the Rocks”.

Here’s the part of the quote which I gave to Fisheye Connect about how I captured this photo.  There’s even a bit about how I processed it up.

“My husband heard about this waterfall near Twin Falls, Idaho from a former supervisor.  Unfortunately, the name didn’t stick in his head.  This lead lay dormant for months because he couldn’t recall the name of the waterfall.  Then I found one of those “Only in Your State” articles on Facebook which mentioned the waterfall by name: Perrine Coulee Falls.  We set off in search of the waterfall.

Once we arrived at the GPS coordinates, we couldn’t see the waterfall.  It was hidden behind a curve in the cliff face so we couldn’t see it from the road.  What I did see was a guy with a camera bag getting out of his car and heading off the switchback into the brush.  Following my hunch, we did end up finding the huge waterfall.”

If you’d like to read the rest of the quote about how this photo came to be, you might want to follow this link to Fisheye Connect’s website and to the featured photo article they did for “Moss on the Rocks.”