Have you ever experienced a moment where you wish you could capture it and keep it forever just as it is? I know I sure have. I wish I could bottle it up and re-experience it at will. While I can’t literally do that, I do have a couple ways I can save memories I want to keep. One option is video. The other option is photography. Both video and photography capture memories forever but photography makes memories tangible.

Audrey Cramer Photography's fine art landscape photograph of a blooming field full of large sunflowers in golden hour
These sunflowers have long faded. However, this photo keeps their glory alive forever. Buy Prints

I feel this quote sums up my feelings on the matter far better than I could have myself.

“Photography is the art of making memories tangible.”
― Destin Sparks

Now, I’ve been to some amazing places and events. I’ve seen some amazing things. The way I can keep those memories alive is through photography. After all, who can keep the sun lighting up the clouds? Who can keep the snow from melting or the autumn leaves from falling? How about the spring flowers from fading? How do you keep the fleeting moments of your baby or young child forever? Only the camera can make it happen.

Now I’ve learned the hard way that even photos stored digitally can be lost. My hard drive crashed on me a couple years ago and I’m still working on recovering from that episode. I couldn’t recover everything. I’m still missing some files. Imagine losing your precious baby photos or photos of deceased loved ones through such a tragedy. The pain!

portrait of a baby on the grass
Portrait of a young boy holding a stuffed dog
Portrait of a young girl sitting next to a waterfall kicking her legs excitedly

The final step to making memories tangible through photography is printing the photos. As previously stated, digital copies are far from secure. If you print out your photos, then you own something which you can actually hold in your hands. That print also preserves the memory you wish to keep.

Yes, turning your digital photo into a print opens it up to other hazards. You face potential damage from spills, tears, fading, obliviating marks, acid, and more. However, with proper care, you needn’t worry about those dangers.

Consider this further point: how do you hold a video in your hand? Sure, you can hold the media which the video is on. However, that’s not holding the video itself. You cannot hold the media AND watch the video itself (with few exceptions). With a photo print, you’re holding the actual photo (or at least a reproduction of it). You’re holding something tangible and enjoying the image at the same time.

So, in conclusion, photography really is the art of making memories tangible. You can’t touch a memory or a video. Mementos simply trigger memories. They aren’t memories themselves. If you really want to touch a memory, obtain a photo print.