If you’ve been around for a while, then you know I’m a member of a social photo-sharing website called Viewbug.  In fact, I often share when Viewbug awards one of my photos.  Well, that’s not the only flare I receive from them.  Occasionally they grant me a badge.  These aren’t the badges visible on my Viewbug profile showing member participation.  No, these badges are meant as flare for my own personal use.  I really haven’t used them until now.  So, I thought I’d share my handful of Viewbug badges for kicks and giggles.

I receive one of these via email occasionally.  They don’t arrive very often.  In fact, the scant handful (5 at time of initial writing) shows just how frequently they come.  They only started coming my way in the past year.  Perhaps that’s when Viewbug started up this badge program.  Still, I thought I’d share just because.  I know you had no idea about these until now.  I’ll come back and add more as they arrive.

So, without further ado, here’s the badges I’ve received from Viewbug.

Viewbug Challenge Winner Badge
Viewbug Daydreamer Badge
Viewbug Fantastic Badge
Viewbug Rite of Passage Badge
Viewbug Elected Badge
Viewbug Karma Badge
Viewbug Peace Badge
Viewbug Superstar Badge
Viewbug Pioneer Badge
Viewbug Radiant badge
Viewbug extraordinaire badge
Viewbug visionary badge
Viewbug Reward Rocker Badge

This list might grow over time.  We’ll see what happens.  I’m starting with 5 different badges.  Any newly displayed badges, since the initial first 5, came later.

Since each Viewbug badge comes with a short description, I’ll include each one.  That way you’ll better understand their thinking behind each “award.”

Challenge Winner Badge

Viewbug Challenge Winner Badge

From millions of submissions in the challenges, your work has been recognized.  You have earned the ultimate bragging rights, we are excited and grateful to have you sharing your creativity with all of us.

This description is short and sweet.  It tells me that I previously won a challenge (mini photo contest) and this badge recognizes that achievement.

Daydreamer Badge

Viewbug Daydreamer Badge

The sun is shining brighter every day, and we’re grateful to you for sticking with us through the tough times.  As we start to see brighter days ahead, we thank you for the positive impact you had on all of us during the difficult times many of us experienced during 2020 and so far in 2021.  You have inspired us to keep looking ahead, have a positive attitude towards what we love to do (and we do it for you).  You drive our motivation to keep up the good fight, stay creative and consistently push the envelope with more and better features.  You are the glue that keeps us together and we love you for it.  Thank you!

This Viewbug badge seems to recognize loyalty during a tough time.  It does take a lot to stick with something through difficult times (such as those referenced above).  Sometimes a ‘thank you’ is deserved but not enough.

Fantastic Badge

Viewbug Fantastic Badge

Major oops on our part!  We forgot to show our appreciation to you for sharing your creativity on Viewbug, we are so grateful that you chose us!  Most likely our curators and other members have awarded some of your photos, but we never truly said thank you for being part of what makes the community the special place it is.

It means so much when someone shares with others what we’ve created here.  And your participation, from collaborating in contests, commenting and liking photos, adding photos to collections, and… making new friends.  We want every member who comes across these words now to feel welcome and at home, because without you the magic that makes Viewbug thrive would not exist today.  Thank you for your effort in joining us and sharing your passion.

Again, this badge seems to be another big pat-on-the-back type piece of flare.  I don’t think I can say much more about it than the description already provides.

Rite of Passage Badge

Viewbug Rite of Passage Badge

We’re excited to have you as part of the community before and after we announced the launching of a brand new Viewbug experience, a new visual identity, and plenty of new features.  You are the backbone of the community, you keep us inspired to wake up every day with a big smile and keep our motivation stronger to keep pushing Viewbug forward.  We wanted the new Viewbug to showcase the movement and fluidity that we see within the community, every day we witness stories of personal growth and creative inspiration.  You’re a part of something unique and special!  We are so grateful you could be with us on this journey.

This particular badge seems to advertise Viewbug’s rebranding as opposed to anything I actually did on their site.  I think it’s about THEIR rite of passage, not mine.  Still, it’s flare.

Elected Badge

Viewbug Elected Badge

Creators like you inspire us to keep moving forward working on developing new and better features to take your craft to the next level. Your new Elected badge shows how your creativity is having a positive impact on others, this badge represents that your photos have received votes from community members.  From thousands of submissions, your photos are receiving positive feedback : ) You’re a part of something unique and special!  Thank you for your support, we have more exciting news for you in the near future.

This particular badge seems to be yet another piece of flare designed as a pat-on-the-back for participation on their website.  Also, the description contains a teaser for some new upcoming feature or other addition of some kind.

Karma Badge

Viewbug Karma Badge

Keep on keepin’ it up!  We could not be more inspired by you and those in the community.  A lot has changed since we first started developing VIEWBUG and growing the community, but one thing remains constant – your collaboration means everything.  Your new Karma badge shows how your participation in the community helps us push the VIEWBUG train forward, thank you for being with us during 2021 (and during the beginning of 2022).  We can’t wait to see what you create next!  Creators like you inspire us, and we hope that our work will help take your craft in an exciting new direction.

Here’s yet another example of fluffy flare thanking me for membership and participation on their platform.  I’m not sure how karma plays into this at all.

Peace Badge

Viewbug Peace Badge

“I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.” – Mother Teresa

You are an inspiration to the community, and we hope that you know how much your support means to us.  These times require creativity rather than war.  Share your message of peace with the world by using your photography, your pictures can speak louder than words, you have the power to create your own message of peace.

Your new Peace badge shows that you are able to positively impact people around the world through your camera.  Keep up the good creative work and continue to be a source of inspiration. 🕊️

This particular badge seems aimed at the Russian-Ukrainian conflict occurring at the time they issued it.  It displays the colors of the Ukrainian flag and subtly denounces the conflict.  This is another badge which doesn’t seem to target me and my photography.

Superstar Badge

Viewbug Superstar Badge

“I didn’t choose photography – photography chose me.”– Gerardo Suter

Here at VIEWBUG, we define activity as simple and intentional practices meant to be creative actions associated with naturally happy people.  From sharing your imagination to simply logging in and browsing the works by your favorite photographers.  Most of us want to be happy regardless of age, culture, location, and political or religious views.

Your new Superstar badge shows that your actions, whether you are voting for your favorite photos or giving likes and following others, positively touch people around the world.  It is that easy to do your part to help someone smile and have a better day.  Thank you for being part of the community 🌟

This badge, just like the “Fantastic” and “Karma” badges above, seems to target my personal interactions on their website.  It appears to be a ‘thank you’ for validating other photographers on the platform.

Pioneer Badge

Viewbug Pioneer Badge

“A good snapshot keeps a moment that’s gone from running away.” – Eudora Welty

This badge is awarded to members who are constantly exploring new techniques, equipment, and styles by engaging with the VIEWBUG community. It recognizes your willingness to push the boundaries of traditional photography and explore new avenues of creativity.

Your new Pioneer badge shows that your actions, whether you are voting for your favorite photos or giving likes and following others, or simply enjoying browsing the photography of others, positively impact and encourage VIEWBUG members around the world. Thank you for being part of the community 🌟

Clearly they changed their style with this badge.  The explanation starts off sounding like a real compliment to a photographer.  Then it seems to descend upon targeting my personal interactions on their website.  So, I’m not really sure what this badge is supposed to be for.

Radiant Badge

Viewbug Radiant badge

“Photography for me is not looking it’s feeling.  If you can’t feel what you’re looking at then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.” – Don McCullin

We define encouragement as the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.  From the moment when you created your account, to every time you view someone else’s shot, you boost the passion of the community to share creativity.

Your new Radiant Badge is a symbol of encouragement representing how you drive talent in capturing and illuminating moments with breathtaking beauty and vibrant energy.  Thank you for being part of the community 🌟

Well, this badge seems to be a return to form from the previous badge.  I guess this is a ‘thank your for being such an inspiration’ badge?  It’s fluffy and vague for sure.  I suppose other site members find my photography inspirational so that’s the point of the badge.

Extraordinaire Badge

Viewbug extraordinaire badge

This badge is a spotlight on our photography virtuosos who have an uncanny knack for freezing time with their cameras.

Legendary VIEWBUG members have an eye for the extraordinary transforming ordinary scenes into captivating visual tales.  With each click you paint stories with light and shadows turning life’s fleeting moments into everlasting memories.

Whether it’s the play of colors or the magic of monochrome you have mastered the art of freezing emotions in every frame.

Your new Extraordinaire Badge is a salute to those who don’t just take photographs but who weave dreams and emotions through the lens of their camera. 📷🌟

The text of this badge is full of what initially sounds like specific compliments.  However, once you look deeper, it’s not specific at all.  That seems to be the theme of most of these badges: fluffy and non-specific language.  Still, it is complimenting me as a photographer and it is flare.

Visionary Badge

Viewbug visionary badge

This badge is a fun way to show you’re a motivation starter!

Your engagement even through a single photo view boosts the visibility and encouragement for the creator offering a meaningful form of appreciation for the photographer’s work.

This badge isn’t just a token it’s a celebration of the role you play in fostering creativity and inspiration within the community.  By having it you show that you’re not just a passive observer but an active supporter of the artistic journey.🌟

It represents your commitment to encouraging others highlighting the positive impact you have on nurturing and spreading creative energy. 📷

Another style change, what a surprise.  Here we have yet another badge which seems to target my personal activities on their website.  They seem to like awarding badges of this sort.  Perhaps this will turn into a collection.

Reward Rocker Badge

Viewbug Reward Rocker Badge

This isn’t just any badge—it’s a fun way to show that you’re a true Reward Rocker. 🌟

By collecting coins through your activity in the community you’ve shown how inspiring creativity and spreading positivity can lead to awesome rewards.

This badge isn’t just a token—it’s a celebration of the role you play in fostering a vibrant and creative community and that is why you’ve been collecting Coins!  It shows that you’re not just a passive observer but an active supporter who brings out the best in others. 📷

We have yet another style change with this badge.  It’s louder and bolder than previous incarnations.  Viewbug added coins as an interaction and participation award on their site.  You can exchange these coins for rewards (mostly coupons from other companies).  Just to note, other users cannot see just how many coins each account accumulates.  This one is yet another badge thanking me, in a round about sort of way, for actively participating on their website.


I hope you enjoyed checking out these unique Viewbug badges I received.  I know I’m sometimes confused by their purpose.  However, I won’t argue with extra recognition.  What do you think of these Viewbug badges?  Are they worth showing off?  Share your thoughts in the comments section below.