Hello landscape photography fans. If you’re a regular fan around here or on our social media, you’ve probably noticed some major changes taking place lately. Indeed, we’ve decided that we needed a company rebranding and we initiated that course a few days ago. So, we are here now making that official announcement. Cramer Imaging is being rebranded.
As it turns out, we’ve been thinking about doing this company rebranding for a few years. Sadly, we only very recently started talking about it. However, when we discovered our coinciding opinions, we began the change immediately. We feel that this rebranding will further define and properly clarify who and what we are as a landscape photography company.
We are excited to move forward with our new company branding. Our url, website, and active socials already reflect the change. We will continue to work on catching everything else up in time.
So, today we officially say goodbye to Cramer Imaging which has faithfully carried us for 14 years in business. We now move on with a rebranding to Audrey Cramer Photography. Please leave your thoughts about this company rebranding in the comments section below. We’d love to read your feedback on the matter.