We’ve been making a few updates on our website lately.  If you’ve been peeking in on us during the last few days, you might have noticed.  Not all of them are subtle, but some may require some digging to locate if you don’t know where to go.  But, just in case you didn’t yet notice, I’ll share the major points of change.  So, without further ado, here’s the highlights.

  • New landscape photos for sale.
  • Culling previous photo options for sale.
  • Pricing changes for ordering prints.
  • Altering how matted and framed prints are ordered.
  • Adding a request form for custom orders including matting, framing, signatures, panoramas, and more.
  • Adding a request form for international shipping.
  • Style and cosmetic changes to the website.

So, as you can see, we’ve been busy behind-the scenes making important alterations which we feel will benefit you.  They should make it easier for you to enjoy my landscape photography in your home.

Please let us know what you think of all these updates.  What do you think of them?  How do they work for you?  Do they make things easier or harder for you?  Leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.  We’d really love your feedback on the matter.  It will help us find all the bugs in the system.