1. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist
  2. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Again
  3. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Part 3
  4. ‘Sun Dance’ Has Been Awarded Again
  5. Another Award for ‘Sun Dance’
  6. Garfield County Fair Photography Competition 2020
  7. Yet Another Award for Sun Dance
  8. Sun Dance Award
  9. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Part 4

Is it just me or have there been several awards coming in lately for this particular landscape photo?  It feels like not too long ago that I was announcing that I had received another award for this exact same photograph.  I’m not going to say ‘no’ to more.  Here’s the award my photo “Sun Dance” just received.

So, ‘Sun Dance’ has been a popular landscape photo on Viewbug lately when it comes to awards.  I do believe that we’re now on our fifth announcement of a photography award for “Sun Dance” in the last 7 months.  I do believe that I’ve got a hit on my hands.

Well, I did know there was something special about that photo when I took it.  It seems that several other people agree with me.

As is tradition with these announcements, I’ll include what the email said in congratulations:

“You are a rockstar, your photo Sun Dance was selected by one of our editors to receive a new award.”

Sadly, that’s all there was.  I really have been enjoying those paragraphs which explain more than this.  However, I checked and my photo received and award called ‘Judge Favorite’ this time.  Someone really likes this photo and keeps granting it awards.

So, what do you think of this lovely serial award-winning landscape photo?  Do you love it?  Do you hate it?  Does it deserve the award it just received?  Please share your thoughts below in the comments section.  I’d love your feedback on the matter.