1. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist
  2. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Again
  3. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Part 3
  4. ‘Sun Dance’ Has Been Awarded Again
  5. Another Award for ‘Sun Dance’
  6. Garfield County Fair Photography Competition 2020
  7. Yet Another Award for Sun Dance
  8. Sun Dance Award
  9. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Part 4

Hello again landscape photography fans. It gives me great pleasure to make this announcement. One of my landscape photos received another award. This time, it’s a contest finalist award rather than an award granted just because. Indeed, my beautiful landscape photo titled “Sun Dance” once again made it into the top handful of photos for judging in a contest. Please keep reading for more information about this prestigious accomplishment.

If you’ve been keeping up for a while, or simply read the title, then you know that this is not the first time this photo received such an honor. In fact, it is the fourth time so far. However, there was a significant time gap in between. No matter.

I entered this photo into a contest titled “Sunlight Shine Photo Contest.” It seemed like an ideal choice out of my current portfolio on Viewbug. So, I went with it. Recently, I received an email announcing the status of my photo in the contest. I was delighted if you couldn’t already tell. Another contest finalist is a wonderful thing for me.

Here’s the very short email.

Hi cramerimaging,

Your photo is a finalist in the Sunlight Shine Photo Contest.

As the link included directed straight to the page on my account featuring this photo, I can’t add anything else. Still, there’s a new award listing which confirms its contest finalist status. If this kind of good news keeps up, I may need to create a series dedicated to each instance where this photo received a contest finalist award. What do you think of this idea? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Also, please share your thoughts on this photo. Do You love it? Do you hate it? Does it deserve the honor and the award which it just received? Please share these thoughts in the comments section below too. I’d love to read your feedback on the matter.