1. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist
  2. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Again
  3. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Part 3
  4. ‘Sun Dance’ Has Been Awarded Again
  5. Another Award for ‘Sun Dance’
  6. Garfield County Fair Photography Competition 2020
  7. Yet Another Award for Sun Dance
  8. Sun Dance Award
  9. ‘Sun Dance’ is a Contest Finalist Part 4

I always enjoy when I receive an email notifying me of a new photography award.  As you might have guessed, that’s what happened here recently.  I received another such email.  I’m happy to share the news and want to share the photo along with what the award is.  So enjoy another ‘Sun Dance’ award.

As is traditional, I include the email text and award description.  So, here’s the announcement email contents directly quoted.


Hi cramerimaging,

You are a rockstar, your photo Sun Dance was selected to receive a new award.

As usual, I must click on a link to learn which photo and what the award is. When I clicked the link, this information greeted me.

cramerimaging, until recently this is your most engaging photo. It has inspired and helped fuel the creativity of other members. Congratulations, this photo has been selected to receive the Top Shot Award.

Top Shot 21 is awarded to your photo that has the most time viewed.  It’s no small feat to take a breathtaking photo and win recognition for it.  You have managed that, and we want to congratulate you on your awesome photography!  Don’t let anything get in the way of posting what YOU love because people appreciate your creativity too 😄 This award is a big deal!  It’s awesome when community members take the time to enjoy your photos.

And the big shining hero image showing off my awarded photo was none other than “Sun Dance.”

I’m starting to anticipate “Sun Dance” award announcements.  Most of the last several awards I received were decorations for “Sun Dance”.  Still, I’m enjoying receiving another award for one of my popular landscape photos.  Leave your thoughts on this new award in the comments section below.

So, what do you think of this photo?  Do you love it or hate it?  Do you think it deserves this new award?  Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.  I’d love to read your feedback on the matter.