A few days ago, my email inbox had another surprise announcement for me. It was an email from Viewbug letting me know that another one of my many photos there received another award. Surprised and delighted, I hurriedly opened the email and clicked on the link to discover which of my photos received a new decoration. I was in for a real surprise. One of my hot air balloons photos received an award.

As I scrolled down the page on my phone, I discovered that the award was for one of my hot air balloon photos from last year’s Balloonfest in Panguitch Utah. It is currently untitled.

I was not expecting this at all.  It’s not that the hot air balloon photos are bad. They’re far from it. However, I was expecting and hoping for one of my landscape photos. Oh well, I’ll take the photo award for sure.

This photo, awarded “Top Shot” by the Viewbug staff, is for my “most engaging photo that has inspired other members.” Here’s what their definition of this award is: “This award is a huge deal!  It’s pretty awesome when members take the time to appreciate your photos. Top Shot is awarded to your photo that has the highest total time viewed.”

What’s really hilarious is that I checked the stats on this photo and it has a current grand total of 37 views, 7 likes, and 2 peer awards. No trifecta awards at all and I’ve only entered it into 3 contests where it didn’t do so well. If that’s inspiring, then call me surprised again.

Audrey Cramer Photography's fine art photograph of four colorful hot air balloons taking flight in Panguitch Utah with a blue morning sky

Still, I’m delighted to announce my latest awarded photo and add it to my growing collection of photos with awards. So, what do you think of this new award for a hot air balloons photo of mine? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. I look forward to your feedback on the matter.