Hello again landscape photography fans. If you’re a regular around here, you know what this means. If you’re new, then you’re in for a treat. One of my photos just received an award. Usually it’s a landscape photo. This time it is not. Instead a hot air balloon panorama photo received the award this time. Keep reading to learn more about the photo and its new award.

In keeping with tradition with these articles, this is where I share all the details. We start with the announcement email and its contents. Here’s what it said.

Good news cramerimaging,

We’re thrilled to recognize your incredible talent.

Your photo has been selected to receive an award in the Majestic Moments Photo Contest, standing out among many impressive entries.  Well done!

As usual, I clicked on the included link. Though, because of the fact that the email listed an award directly from a contest, I didn’t expect an explanation like usual. Instead, these awards take me straight to my photo on Viewbug’s website where they list the award in an awards column.

Sometimes I need to search for the new award. Not this time. This award is the first which this hot air balloon panorama received. I found the following award listed.

Contender in the Majestic Moments Photo Contest

Now, you’re probably wondering which hot air balloon panorama photo just received this award. Are you ready for the big reveal?  Here it is.

Audrey Cramer Photography's fine art landscape panorama photograph of several hot air balloons in flight forming a bell curve over Panguitch Utah

As these awards seem to fall under the community award heading, rather than the contest award heading, I really don’t know what “contender” in the contest means. Still, it’s recognition and flair.

I shot this panorama while I was leaving the launch field. This explains all the balloons at varying levels in the sky. It just seemed too good of an opportunity to pass up. Thankfully, the light allowed for a hand-held panorama. I don’t often enjoy that luxury in photography. The clustering and spread of the balloons made for quite the photo.

So, now it’s your turn. What do you think of this hot air balloon panorama and its new award? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Does it deserve the award it just received? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Charles

    The contrasting balloons, both in design, color, height, and placement, against the natural background of green field, blue mountains and sky, and the fairgrounds makes for a beautifully contrasting and interesting photo. Definitely is award winning! Thanks for sharing this photo.

    1. Audrey Cramer Photography

      Not to be nitpicky, but that’s not the fairgrounds. It’s a farm field. However, I do agree on the rest. It really is a great scene. Glad you enjoy!

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