1. I Won a Popular Vote Award for “Ice Castle”
  2. ‘Ice Castle’ Won an Award
  3. Another Award for ‘Ice Castle’
  4. Yet Another Award for ‘Ice Castle’
  5. ‘Ice Castle’ Wins Another Award
  6. ‘Ice Castle’ Award
  7. ‘Ice Castle’ is the Winner!
  8. Another Ice Castle Award
  9. Ice Castle Contest Finalist

I do love receiving good news in the mail (or email).  This time, I got the news that a photo of mine has won another award (always well received).  Today, I’m sharing this wonderful news with all of you, my fans.  Check out this brand new award for my landscape photograph titled “Ice Castle.”

I never do expect when these photo awards are going to drop on me.  I’m always delighted and very curious which photo(s) received the honor.  This time, a photo previously received decoration before receiving another honor.  The winning photo is titled “Ice Castle.”

I entered a mini-contest or challenge titled “Waterfalls/Cascades”.  While Ice Castle wasn’t my only entry, it was declared the winner of the contest.  Upon winning, I received a comment from the individual who created and judged the mini-contest.  The comment reads as follows: “Thanks for entering my challenge “Waterfalls/Cascades.”  I chose your entry as the winner.  Great shot and capture.”

I learned of my win when I checked my email and found an email in my inbox a few days ago announcing to me that judges named my photo the winner.  Since then, the shower of peer awards for this photo hasn’t yet stopped coming.  I guess other people love this photo as well.

I do love when one of my landscape photos gets some attention with an award.  Again, I really do love sharing the good news with all of you.  I hope you love this photo too.  So, what to you think of this award for ‘Ice Castle?’  Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.