Hey loyal landscape photography fans! I’ve got some great news I want to share with all of you. One of my landscape photos received an award! Which photo do you ask? It’s titled “Treasure Mountain Spring.” So, what award did this beautiful photograph receive? Well, keep reading here to learn more.
So, I just received word that my picture of the creek just outside of Treasure Mountain Scout Camp near Alta, WY has just received an award on ViewBug. The award is the “Way to Go” award for this month. Below is a link to check it out. You may also find a bigger version of this picture in the landscape and natural setting photography gallery. A small version is below. This is a first for me and my photography efforts. I hope that it’s the first of many more photography awards to come. Also, check out more about ViewBug on their website.

So, sadly I can’t give you the original email text. However, a subsequent and followup email a few years later contained the following about this landscape photo.
A little something for you cramerimaging,
We’ve been browsing through your photos and came across an interesting fact. Let us show you something special about your photography award.
So, clicking on the link took me to this information.
Awesome stuff cramerimaging! From all of your uploads, this is the first photo that received an award by the Viewbug team or one of your peers.
Thank you for your collaboration in the community and for inspiring other creators like you by sharing your photos. You’ve had a great start sharing your favorite shots with all of us, and with zillions of people uploading images to the web, yours standing out and being discovered says a lot about your skill (applauses go here!). This means that your photography and creativity have a positive impact on others 🙂
In conclusion, this is some exciting news. So, what do you think of this beautiful landscape photograph titled “Treasure Mountain Spring” and the award it just received? Do you think it deserves the award? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. I’d so love to see your feedback on the matter. Share your love or your constructive feedback in the comments below.