Hello again landscape photography fans. There’s more good news for me to share with you. So, that means a dedicated article for it. Regulars probably already guessed it. Another landscape photo of mine just received an award. This award seems to be a real focus on talent, or so they say anyways. Keep reading to learn more about this landscape photograph and its new award.

We have a tradition around here when it comes to these articles. It’s that we share all the details from the email announcement. Then we tell you about the award as defined by Viewbug. So here goes.

Hello cramerimaging,

Your submission received an award!

We’re excited to boost its visibility, connecting it with others who will be moved by your creativity.  We hope this recognition motivates you to keep experimenting, pushing your craft, and daring to explore new ideas.

As usual, the email provides little in the way of details. So, I clicked on the included link to learn more. The following explanation was waiting for me.

Congratulations!  Your latest submission has unlocked the Talent in Focus Award placing it among the most inspiring photos.  This award celebrates the heart vision and creativity you’ve poured into your photography.  Entering your photo in the contests isn’t just about competition – it’s a celebration of the creative journey and your willingness to share your unique perspective inspires our entire community.

For full disclosure, the awarded photo titled “Show Boat” is not my latest submission. I’ve uploaded several photos since. It wasn’t even my latest submission to a contest. However, it is a more recent submission.

I really do feel that this award is fitting for this landscape photo. It does show off what talent I’ve acquired over the years. It’s a stunning and gorgeous landscape photo. It really does bring into focus what talent I do or do not have as landscape photographer.

If you can believe it, I almost didn’t go take this photo. I felt this strong urge to go to Bryce Canyon for a landscape shoot but I didn’t want to. However that feeling would not dissipate. In the past, such feelings often led to absolutely stunning opportunities so I decided to run with it. When I arrived, the scene didn’t look that promising. But, suddenly the clouds lit up in that gorgeous pink you see depicted. I was so glad I acted instead of missing the opportunity.

So reader, now it’s your turn. What do you think of this landscape photo titled “Show Boat” and its new award? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Does it deserve the award it just received? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

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