So, I’ve been a landscape photographer for several years now. However, I started out as a beginner just like everybody else. I went to school and studied photography from the ground up starting with the basics. Since everyone must start somewhere, I thought I’d share some of my best beginner landscape photography tips in one place. So, I rounded them up for all of you to read. Please take some time to read and also learn from them. Some of these articles are the beginnings of series which will dive in deeper on a particular subject. So, please enjoy.
So, if you’re new here, most of these articles focus on photography basics. I don’t delve much into the specifics of landscape photography for a reason. I want you to learn about photography basics and then be able to apply them to landscape photography when you’re ready.
5 Photography Composition Techniques
New to photography? Have you learned how to compose a photo yet? Today we discuss 5 different photography composition techniques.
5 Things I Wish I’d Known as a Beginner Photographer Part 1
Are you new to photography? Want to avoid some early pitfalls? I share some of my experience as a beginner photographer.
A Beginner’s Guide to Photographing Landscapes
Are you new to photography & want to start into landscapes? Welcome! Learn what you need to start photographing landscapes here.
Can Landscape Photography Include Buildings?
Have you ever wondered if you can include buildings into landscape photography? So have many others. Today we discuss that very question.
How to Become a Photographer
Have you ever wondered what it takes to gain the title “photographer?” Today we discuss how you acquire that title for yourself.
How to Create a Panorama
Curious about how to add panorama photos to your portfolio? Learn how to create a panorama photograph by reading this article.
PASM Camera Modes: What Do They Mean?
Got a fancy camera with PASM on the settings dial? Ever wondered what those letters mean? Today, we discuss what PASM camera settings mean.
Photography Merit Badge Help Part 1
Are you a member of Scouts BSA, Boy Scouts of America, & doing the photography merit badge? Need help with some of the requirements?
The 3 Best Kinds of Light for Landscape Photography
New to landscape photography & want to know when to shoot? There’s 3 good times. Here we discuss the best kinds of light for landscape photos
The Exposure Triangle of Shutter, Aperture, and ISO
Shutter speed, aperture setting, and ISO are critical elements to a proper photo exposure. Learn more about the exposure triangle here.
What I Wish I Knew About Photography
When you look back to your beginnings, you often see pitfalls. I do. Here are some things I wish I knew about photography at the start.
What is Depth of Field?
Have you heard of the term ‘depth of field’? Want to know what it means in photography? We break it all down here for you.
What Kinds of Landscape Photos Can I Shoot as a Beginner Photographer?
Wondering what kinds of photos you can take as a new landscape photographer? That’s an easy question to answer. We go in depth about it here.
So, in conclusion, I hope you found these articles useful. I try so hard to include the basics in the best way possible for someone new to the craft. So, what do you think of all these beginner landscape photography tips? Also, did I miss something which you feel should be included here? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Once you’re ready to level-up your landscape photography skills, then you might check out my amateur landscape photography tips.