My email inbox contained more good news. I love these kinds of emails. They tell me one of my photos received another photography award. What photo is it this time? It’s a hot air balloon photo award. Which hot air balloon photo? What award? Keep reading for more details.
Award Intro

This photo received another award previously. I still haven’t figured out what keeps bringing it to the Viewbug editors’ attention. However, I’m definitely not complaining. Awards are awards, after all. I’ll take it for sure even if I have questions which I would like to ask the editing team.
The story behind this photo is that I shot it on a whim. I had hot air balloons in frame with a contrail and it seemed interesting enough to me to include both forms of air travel in one photo.
Of course, this cluster of hot air balloons didn’t last long in that position. They drift along on the wind. So, I happily captured this photo while I could. A small note with this particular photo, if you look closely, you might see the beginnings of a second plane and contrail appearing on the right-hand side.
As is traditional in these exciting announcements, I’m sharing the contents of the email and the award explanation for your information. This explanation contains much more detail than most of the previous explanations I’ve shared in the past. Be prepared for an extra long but semi-irrelevant award description below.
Award Explanation
You are a rockstar, your photo Balloonfest-9 was selected to receive a new award.
cramerimaging, this is one of your most popular photos. Your photo has inspired many, but it can inspire even more people. Congratulations, this photo has been selected to receive the Hidden Gem Award
Hidden Gem is awarded to your photo with the most engagement but with the least activity in contests. It’s no secret that there are millions of pictures online, and it can be hard to get the exposure your photos deserve. The ViewBug contests are an excellent way to challenge yourself with new styles of photography and get your work in front of a huge audience. This photo might not be your top choice, but the power of an audience can be quite surprising. Case in point: try your luck with this photo in the contests. People may suddenly respond with new likes and follows! So try switching it up and join the contests with different photos. Try new styles and let your creativity flow. This award is for you to know that the community noticed your skills, and we all want to see you try everything in photography. Congratulations are in order
So, I’m delighted to hang another award on this hot air balloon photo. If this keeps up, I’ll need to choose an actual name for it rather than the generic numbered name it currently carries. What’s your idea for naming this photo? What do you think of this photo? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Does it deserve the award it just received? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.