1. Behind-the-Scenes with “Teton Mountains and Sunflowers”
  2. Behind-the-Scenes with the 2018 Panguitch Balloonfest
  3. Behind-the-Scenes with “Presiding”
  4. Behind-the-Scenes with “Moulton Barn and Tetons”
  5. Behind-the-Scenes with “Asgardian Treasure”
  6. Behind-the-Scenes with “Natural Bridge”
  7. Behind-the-Scenes with the 2019 Panguitch Balloonfest
  8. Behind-the-Scenes with “Grand Canyon”
  9. Behind-the-Scenes with “Are You Worthy?” and “Forge”
  10. Behind-the-Scenes with the 2020 Panguitch Balloonfest Scheduled for March 31, 2025

Hello landscape photography fans.  It’s time once again for another behind-the-scenes peek at my photography. Today, I’m featuring the BTS video of a famous landscape photography location: the Thor’s Hammer hoodoo in Bryce Canyon National Park. This hoodoo is perhaps the most famous hoodoo we know of, making it 1 of the essential photos from Bryce Canyon National Park. Every landscape photographer wants one. Well, here’s the story behind my first attempt which I called “Asgardian Treasure.”

By this point in time, I’d been to Bryce Canyon several times. I’d recently moved to the area. However, I still hadn’t discovered where that famous Thor’s Hammer was. I wanted it in my landscape photography portfolio. So, I set about learning where it was.

Thanks to a recent acquisition of an older model personal GPS and some internet research, I found where I needed to go. I was surprised to learn that Thor’s Hammer is quickly and easily accessed from the rim of the canyon as well as on a popular trail. This obviously meant that I was taking a trip out there in the very near future.

When I arrived, I found the hoodoo from a viewpoint atop the canyon. With the failing light and unfamiliarity of the trail, I decided to stay at the viewpoint. After all, telephoto could do a lot to bring Thor’s Hammer closer to me. I found a spot next to the fence and started working the scene.

In the end, I managed to come back with this landscape photo. I titled it “Asgardian Treasure” as Thor’s Hammer is considered a feature of Odin’s massive treasure horde. It’s a different take on the famous hoodoo of Bryce Canyon, don’t you think? You can learn more about this photo shoot by reading this article.

Audrey Cramer Photography's professional quality closeup nature photograph of Thor's Hammer hoodoo in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

It’s not bad for a first attempt, I think. Still, there’s room for improvement, namely returning and trying out different angles. Perhaps this isn’t the most dramatic of bts stories, but it’s accurate. More attempts yielded better photos and stories, so stay tuned.

So, now I turn things over to you. What do you think of this photo titled “Asgardian Treasure” now that you can see the bts video? Does it add something to the picture for you? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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